Plugin System

Plugins are a way to expand the functionality of JJMumbleBot.
JJMumbleBot comes built-in with the Bot Commands Plugin, Images Plugin, Media Plugin and more.

Creating Custom Plugins

Plugins are easy to create with the provided '' file.
Every plugin must be named 'Plugin' and derive from the PluginBase class and implement its methods.
Using the file is highly recommended to quickly create functional plugins for JJMumbleBot.
All custom plugins must be placed in the plugins/extensions/ directory.

If you are a developer looking to make a JJMumbleBot plugin, but don't know where to start,
then generate a template plugin like so: python3 JJMumbleBot/utility/ my_example_plugin.
This plugin will be generated in the JJMumbleBot/user_generated/directory, and must be placed in the JJMumbleBot/plugins/extensions/directory to work.

Basic Steps:
  1. Create a python file and create a class with the name 'Plugin' that derives from the PluginBase class.
    Look at the file for more information.
  2. Implement all the methods from the PluginBase abstract class.
  3. Use the __init__ constructor to initialize the plugin.
  4. Create a method per command in the format: cmd_mycommand to process commands from users
  5. Use the quit method to stop any processes created by the plugin and clean-up other code before the bot quits
Take a look at the built-in plugins to get a good idea of how the plugin-system works.

Advanced features:

Plugin callback system: Allows plugin callbacks for mumble server events.

Is it a system that all plugins can use to directly interface with mumble server events such as receiving audio, messages, user connection/disconnection, etc.
For example, if you want a plugin to execute some code in response to a user connecting to the server, that is now possible!
Simple Setup

Extra plugin repository:
