Images Plugin

This is a built-in extension plugin that follows the plugin template system.
This plugin can post images into the channel from urls, or from a local directory.


!post 'image_url': Posts the image from the url in the channel chat.
!img 'image_name': Posts locally hosted images in the channel chat. The image must be a jpg.
!imglist: Lists all locally hosted images in a private message.
Plugin Metadata

    [Plugin Information]
    PluginVersion = 5.0.0
    PluginName = Images
    PluginDescription = An image handling plugin that can display images from the internet or local storage.
    PluginLanguage = EN
    PluginCommands: [

    [Plugin Settings]
    ; Default frame size for images uploaded through the images plugin
    ImageFrameSize = 5
    ; Default frame color for images uploaded through the images plugin
    ImageFrameColor = black
    ; List commands that need the core thread to wait for completion.
    ; This may include processes that require multiple commands in succession.
    ; For example: [Youtube Plugin - !yt -> !p] process requires 2 commands in that order.
    ThreadWaitForCommands: []
    UseSingleThread = False

    [Plugin Type]
    ControllablePlugin = True
    AudioPlugin = False
    ImagePlugin = True
    CorePlugin = False
    ExtensionPlugin = True