Enter your bot username here, If the bot is registered with a certificate, the name must match the name in the certificate. [Example: JJMumbleBot]
Enter the file path to your certificate. If your server doesn't require a certificate, leave this blank. [Example: /path/to/my/cert.pem]
Enable/Disable auto-reconnection to the server if connection is lost. [Default: Unchecked]
Specify the default channel the bot should join when it connects to the server. [Example: Root]
Enter the bot owner's display name here. The bot must have at least 1 super user to be able to control all bot commands. [Example: SuperUserJason]
Enable self registering if you want the bot to attempt to self-register to the server. [Default: Unchecked]
The default comment associated with the bot that is shown to users when they view the bot's comment. This can be left blank. [Example: Hello! This is JJMumbleBot!]
Media Settings
The file path to FFMPEG. [Example: path/to/ffmpeg]
The file path to VLC. [Example: path/to/vlc]
To enable stereo audio for the bot, check the box. Uncheck the box for mono audio. [Default: Checked]
The default volume when the bot starts. [Default: 0.3]
Enable Audio Ducking (off by default, use !duckaudio to toggle on and off) [Default: Unchecked]
The default audio ducking volume (How low the volume will drop down when ducking) [Default: 0.05]
The default threshold before audio is ducked. [Default: 2500.0]
The default delay before the audio ducking reacts to user voices. [Default: 1.0]
The default maximum queue length for the audio interface. [Default: 50]
Optional Proxy URL - If you want to use a proxy server to use the youtube-dl library, fill this out. [Example: socks5://myproxy:8080, https://myproxy:8080]
Optionally use a cookies.txt file for the youtube-dl library (useful to deal with rate limits). [Example: path/to/cookies.txt]
Temporary media directory to store youtube thumbnails and other images content. This directory is cleared when the bot exits. [Example: path/to/temp_media_dir]
Permanent media directory to store sound board clips, and other media that won't be deleted when the bot exits. [Example: path/to/perm_media_dir]
To enable logging for the bot, check the box. Uncheck the box to disable. [Default: Unchecked]
This sets the maximum number of logs the bot can have at a time before it overwrites the oldest one. [Recommended: 5-20]
Maximum size per log (in Bytes). [Recommended: 1500000 (1.5 MB)]
Enable/Disable channel message logging (Enabling it will hide message logs to: Message Received: [User -> #####]) [Default: Checked]
This is the path to directory where logs are stored. All bot logs will be stored in this directory. [Example: my/path/to/logs]
Enable/Disable Stack Trace Logging. This will create large log files and log the stack trace of each logging event. [Default: Unchecked]
Plugin Settings
Disables plugins that are included in this list for regular operation. You can leave the list empty.Type the name of the plugins in quotes separated by commas. [Example: "youtube", "sound_board"]
The list of plugins that are available during safe-mode operation of the bot.Type the name of the plugins separated by commas. [Example: "core_commands", "bot_commands"]
The root channels in which the creation of temporary channels are allowed.Change this list to include the channels in your server that you allow the bot to create temporary channels in.Type the name of the plugins separated by commas. [Example: "Root", "MyChannel", "MyChannel2"]
Main Settings
Enable or disable version/plugin integrity checking for the database.
Disabling this may cause database conflicts after code updates, plugin updates, or plugin addition/removal! [Default: Checked]
Enable automatic internal database backups by checking the box, or disable by unchecking it. [Default: Unchecked]
The execution tick rate of commands in the command queue [Must be an integer/float] [Recommended: 0.1]
Maximum commands in a multi-command input (this includes multi-commands in aliases) [Must be an integer]This determines the number of commands that can be inputted in a single line [Recommended: 200]
Maximum commands per queue (this includes commands in aliases) [Must be an integer]This determines the maximum number of commands that the bot can process in it's queue. [Recommended: 600]
The command token to identify commands in the chat [Must be a single character] [Example: !, ~, $]
The number of commands to store in the command history tracker [Must be an integer] [Default: 25]
PGUI Settings
Determines the default background color of the UI canvas.
Refer to the following for more information on the limitations: