Web Interface

Main Tab - Commands and General Information

Send commands by typing your command into the text box and pressing "enter" or clicking the "Send" button.
Command Image

This box displays the most recent message output from the bot.
Message Output Image

This box displays the command history of the bot.
Command History Image

The Server Channels box displays a live feed of the channels and users in the server.
There are buttons which can be used to navigate the server heirarchy, as well as mute/deafen/kick/ban users.
Server Channels Image

The Active Plugins box displays a list of the plugins that are currently initialized by the bot.
Each plugin item can be expanded to reveal a preview of the plugin metadata and the ability to modify the plugin metadata through a web form.
Active Plugins Image

Audio Interface Tab - Controls the Audio Interface

Control the bot audio interface through the web interface.
Audio Controls Image

The box below the controls displays the currently playing track thumbnail, as well as the current progress in the track.
Audio Progress Image

If there are tracks in the audio queue, you can also find them listed here. You can directly skip to a track, or remove it from the queue.
Audio Queue Image